Logo der Universität Wien

Hamheung (함흥, 咸興)

Hamhung Royal Villa (Pavillion) (2012)
Hamhung Royal Villa (2012)
Overlooking Jǒngsǒng-Street (2012)
Jǒngsǒng-Street (2012)
Sǒngchǒn-gang (2012)
Center (view towards North) (2012)
Ryongsǒng-Machine in the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex (2012)
February 8 Vinalon Complex (2012)
Majon Bathing Resort (2012)
Hungnam Port (2012)
Wǒnhyǒng-apartment tower (2012)
Forest area in the ri
Districts and dong in Hamhung
Dong (Center)
Universität Wien
Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften Koreanologie

Spitalgasse 2
Hof 5 Eingang 5.4
1090 Wien

T: +43-1-4277-43820
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0